Why use Meet or Eat to manage your compliance needs?

Among the critical shortages in healthcare today, an office manager's time seems to be near the top of the list. Record keeping, reporting, billing, human resources, scheduling, deciphering reimbursement, and managing an increasingly complicated practice takes more time than ever. So it's no surprise that the time you spend on compliance falls near the bottom of their list, or falls off altogether.

Now add 10 million new patients from health care reform and 65,000 pharma reps into this system and you could have a big compliance mess on your hands.

Top 3 reasons to use our platform.

  1. Compliance
    1. We keep your drug samples management in compliance with state pharmacy laws.
    2. We include a transfer of value tracker to protect your office and stay compliant with the Sunshine Act.
    3. Our system is compliant with Pharma guidelines, Sunshine Act and Pharmacy state law.
  2. Save Time
    1. We funnel your reps into our system and this is does not require any front desk work.
    2. We limit the time a drug rep spends with doctors which improves patient care and allows for doctor to see more patients.
    3. Drug samples are entered by the reps into our system and we keep an inventory of expiration dates and lot numbers.
    4. Our system also manages lunches and has a simple reorder feature to save time on food orders.
    5. For lunches, our system has notifications and built-in reminders to save you and your staff time confirming appts.
  3. Productivity and efficiency
    1. Our platform can save doctors, office managers and staff over 20 hours a month putting that time back into patient care.
    2. Lunches, appointments and samples are all done online, saving you and your staff the time to communicate and record samples with drug reps, leaving you more time to get patient care issues resolved.
    3. Our platform is customizable and can be setup in minutes. Set it and forget it.
    4. We migrate lunch calendars and office visitation rules into our system at no charge ourselves.
    5. We curate great lunches that will leave the office staff and doctors happy and make them more productive.

Call one of our customer care representatives at 310-994-8671 and we will do a needs assessment. If that is completed, we build profiles for all the office staff and collect lunch calendar information to migrate and office visitation rules. We notify reps that they have to register with our system for all visits and appointments and then you see them transfer over as soon as your account is live. Account is setup in about 2 days and we can go live with your office on about 2 weeks. It's that simple.

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Samples are regulated under state pharmacy Law and your office could be out of compliance which would result in serious fines and loss of sample privileges. Offices have a responsibility to track incoming and outgoing drug samples per pharmacy state law. What system do you have in place if you were ever audited? If there was a drug recall would you know what drug samples were dispensed and to which patients? Surveys find 3 out of 5 offices are not within compliance.

We offer automated rep scheduling. Office manager enter reps visitation days and frequency, and the software does the rest. Reps self-schedule online and no longer take up valuable time with the front desk staff while patients are waiting and they no longer crowd your patient waiting area. The calendar is customizable to your needs and you can add or edit any appointments. No more lines of reps waiting to see a doctor; this saves your doctor and staff time that can be redirected to patient care.

The system automatically manages lunch appointments by using our network of caterers and popular food vendors. Reps just book an appointment, provide budget and payment, and we do the rest. No more staff calls for lunch confirmations, the system does that automatically. No more pizza three times in the same week - the system separates favorite food types. The system also includes an online tool to give your office peace of mind regarding the Sunshine Act. If you do lunches with reps, we include a free tracker. In the end the office saves 20+ hours a month in productivity all under one platform.

Maintain Legal COMPLIANCE

Samples are regulated under state pharmacy Law and your office could be out of compliance which would result in serious fines and loss of sample privileges. Offices have a responsibility to track incoming and outgoing drug samples per pharmacy state law. What system do you have in place if you were ever audited? If there was a drug recall would you know what drug samples were dispensed and to which patients? Surveys find 3 out of 5 offices are not within compliance.


We offer automated rep scheduling. Office manager enter reps visitation days and frequency, and the software does the rest. Reps self-schedule online and no longer take up valuable time with the front desk staff while patients are waiting and they no longer crowd your patient waiting area. The calendar is customizable to your needs and you can add or edit any appointments. No more lines of reps waiting to see a doctor; this saves your doctor and staff time that can be redirected to patient care.


The system automatically manages lunch appointments by using our network of caterers and popular food vendors. Reps just book an appointment, provide budget and payment, and we do the rest. No more staff calls for lunch confirmations, the system does that automatically. No more pizza three times in the same week - the system separates favorite food types. The system also includes an online tool to give your office peace of mind regarding the Sunshine Act. If you do lunches with reps, we include a free tracker. In the end the office saves 20+ hours a month in productivity all under one platform.